Press fabric to be embroidered. Fold lengthwise and breadth wise to mark center.
Likewise mark center of the net after correcting by cutting out any uneven edges using the grid of the net as a guide.
Note: sometimes, the net may be out of shape … slightly askew even after evenly cutting out the edges. This can be corrected by gently pulling the diagonaly corners – first one set of corners then the other.
Baste net in place over the fabric so their centers are perfectly aligned.
The scale shows the relationship between the graph and the grid in the net.

You have to bring the needle up at the center of the square in the grid.
It needle goes down at the center of the third square ... comes up again at the center of the fifth...
Observe that 5 squares are shared by 2 lines, 7 squares by 3 lines, 9 squares by 4 lines...
When working borders, you may want to calculate the space required to complete a border. Or you may want to calculate how many repeats of a motif can be done in a particular space - or if a paticular space is sufficient for completing a motif.
Here is a simple formula:
Number of squares on the net = 2 X number of squares on the graph +1
No. of squares on net Border 1 will need = 2 x 16 +1 = 17 squares
This is the chart for borders 1, 2 and 3.

Border 1: Simply work the Holbein stitch in 2 journeys as shown in the picture below, the arrow indicates the starting point.

The First or Main journey is shown in pink and the return jounrney is shown in green.
The return journey is generally worked in the same colour as the main journey. But here, we’ll follow the two-colour scheme to distinguish between the main journey and the return journey.
Borders 2 and 3 shouldn't be difficult. Just follow the line on the Main journey and come back to the starting point same as before.
I will show the entire pattern worked in the same colour along side. I have just charted out the designs for this tutorial. I am yet to work on the sampler. I’ll post pictures of the sampler, when I complete it.
Likewise mark center of the net after correcting by cutting out any uneven edges using the grid of the net as a guide.
Note: sometimes, the net may be out of shape … slightly askew even after evenly cutting out the edges. This can be corrected by gently pulling the diagonaly corners – first one set of corners then the other.
Baste net in place over the fabric so their centers are perfectly aligned.
The scale shows the relationship between the graph and the grid in the net.

You have to bring the needle up at the center of the square in the grid.
It needle goes down at the center of the third square ... comes up again at the center of the fifth...
Observe that 5 squares are shared by 2 lines, 7 squares by 3 lines, 9 squares by 4 lines...
When working borders, you may want to calculate the space required to complete a border. Or you may want to calculate how many repeats of a motif can be done in a particular space - or if a paticular space is sufficient for completing a motif.
Here is a simple formula:
Number of squares on the net = 2 X number of squares on the graph +1
No. of squares on net Border 1 will need = 2 x 16 +1 = 17 squares
This is the chart for borders 1, 2 and 3.

Border 1: Simply work the Holbein stitch in 2 journeys as shown in the picture below, the arrow indicates the starting point.

The First or Main journey is shown in pink and the return jounrney is shown in green.
The return journey is generally worked in the same colour as the main journey. But here, we’ll follow the two-colour scheme to distinguish between the main journey and the return journey.
Borders 2 and 3 shouldn't be difficult. Just follow the line on the Main journey and come back to the starting point same as before.
I will show the entire pattern worked in the same colour along side. I have just charted out the designs for this tutorial. I am yet to work on the sampler. I’ll post pictures of the sampler, when I complete it.
hi bhavani...ur tutorials have been very my research work....
thanks for ur help...hope u keep posting more info
very nice job done...excellent way of explaining...when will u post ur next article ???
Hi Bhavani,
Thanks for your work. You have mentioned a correspondence course in Kasuti and Kutchwork in one of the posts. I am very interested in it.
Can you send me some details on it?
Also, I live overseas. Will it be possible?
Bhavani, are u from Vinayaga nagar Trivandrum? Have u ever lived there?
I lived there once 15 years back.
your lessons are great. I am madly into embroidery these days.
Hi Radika,
I am fairly new to Trivandrum. 2 yrs now. I live in Jagathy. I've heard of Vinayak nagar but have never been there.
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